Ninette Mathiessen

Ninette Mathiessen

The artist Ninette Mathiessen, born in Niedersachen Germany in 1974, only found painting in 2005 and has been running her gallery with an attached studio in Travemünde since 2011.

As a pure autodidact, she has acquired everything through self-study that makes up her pictures today. The modern style fits into the current spirit of the time. Her leitmotifs are maritime, the stereotypical fish is her trademark and the series "FISH & SHIPS" is a fixed program on screen. Ninette's tools are spatulas and painter's knives. Brushes are taboo for her. She chooses plastic dispersions as paints, from acrylic paint to varnish. The style is influenced by the so-called "shabby look". Roughly filled backgrounds, quick knife strokes and just not too neat. Through the use of gold leaf and other striking metals, the subjects deliberately contrast with the robust dynamics of the background. Ninette's works have been shown in many exhibitions since 2011 and are now internationally recognized.


more informations:


Mixed fish plate 1 / 90x90cm
Mixed fish plate 2 / 90x90cm
Mercado de Pescado / 54x65cm
Suhsi 1 / 16x16cm
Sushi 2 / 16x16cm
Sushi 3 / 16x165cm
Sushi 4 / 16x16cm
Sushi 5 / 16x16cm




09 January 2017
